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Sunday, October 10, 2010

2nd Safety Touring

Hell Yeah, finally we made it to bandung for one day trip, it was a great experience for me to ride a bike more than 400 km, we started from jakarta, cianjur, bandung and lembang...tx to my boys (Hendy
Suddenly it was raining very heavy, so we decided to take a rest for while and hoping that the rain will stop, After an hour rest at our Villa, the rain was still pouring like hell...we have made a decision to continue our ride to Tangkuban Perahu..its one of a tourist destination in lembang...its an active volcanoes..Its now or never cause we only have a day to ride around bandung and lembang, is not a much time...we put our rain coat and boots on

it was a hell of a ride, pouring rain like hell, flooded around the road, freezing cold and we are soaking wet...hahahah but we enjoy every second of it. it paid off after we arrived to Tangkuban Perahu..It was an awesome view and a fantastic feeling...we had a couples of good pictures to share with...

Man it was an amazing feeling i tell you, to ride a bike in every conditions...i feel so alive dude hehehehehe....

we spent 3 hours to back and forward from lembang to tangkuban perahu including the time that we spent over there...

after arriving to lembang we spent our time to buy some snacks and pop me to fill up our tummy during the night if we are feeling hungry...such a healthy snacks hahahahah...

we had padangs for our dinner...then straight back to villa...a bit of chit chat and rest cause of a chill night and exhausted...good night sleep ZZzzzzzzzzz....

in the morning...we had a walk to see a water fall around the area with mountain was such a beautiful view can see it from the pics that i have glad everyone enjoying their moments together...

after a long walked, we have to clean up and get ready to check out from the villa...Lunch at Bali cafe, and enjoying ice durian..than we had back to JAkarta...What A Trip...

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